Saturday, September 5, 2020

Racing Solo

Maybe the activity I was most looking forward to when the Z got fixed was... getting out at the Tire Rack and running an autocross, AKA a Solo Event. If you are wondering what I mean with an autocross or solo, I think no better explaination has been written in the country, but by a local club members here in South Bend Lloyd. Read it here: A Guided Tour Through The World of Solo

In short I describe a solo as a miniature race track, made out of cones, that you race through and focus more on skill than just car speed. One car at a time, you against the clock, and then cars are classed together by type and preparation. I first started doing events like that in 2003 with the Furrin Group when I lived in Holland/Grand Rapids. I wrote a blog about my very first event: The Fast and Exhaustless 

So far for the year I got two events in, both at the Tire Rack Test Track, our local home track. My first event was with the Michiana Corvette Club and man it was a blast! Never ran with them, for sure will be back, for sure made some new car friends and saw how much I missed solo. It was a fun laid back group, some of them serious racers, but lots of folks just there to have fun pushing their car. They had a class for Corvettes, and one for "metal cars" or everything but a Corvette. 

When I left off in autocross on my old car I was running a well prepped car on race tires... so going to a bone stock, 45 year old car, on basic all season street tires... very different. Still very fun, look good doing it, but for sure not as fast. Ha. Speaking of fun, I started a Youtube Channel and here is my favorite lap from that event:

My second event was with my club, the South Bend Region of the Sports Car Club of America. It was serious competition and reminded me just how much work I, and the Datsun, need to become more competitive. I finished in the bottom 1/3 of the cars, but maybe towards the top of the list on the fundar. Ha. It was a blast, unlike the previous autocross I kept her facing the right direction the whole time (well most of the time, but never went off course) and nothing broke. 

We are continuing to enjoy Cars and Coffee event (one next weekend) and this past week I also hit the track at Gingerman again. It was a fun little pre-birthday trip on my own. I kinda like the alone time, just Me and My Z, the open road and burning some rubber. The downside on that trip was that as I had packed up to go, I slammed door shut... and CRASH... the glass shattered. Luckily the window was down so all the glass went in the door... then as I drove home and it got dark... my headlights would not go on... so all in all a struggle getting home, and I have glass to clean up... (and have to source a new window) but man it was another fun time with my ride. 

I think I forgot just how much of a car guy I am... I put it out of my mind for so long with my car broken, work taking up all my spare time, and raising some crazy kids. I am enjoying reading about new cars coming out, getting old magazine articles out, helping other people with their cars... I need more of that in my life and I love it.